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Our Academics

Providing strong biblical foundations in academics is key for the success of our students.  With the Lord God as our standard, we also follow California State Standards for all of our academic subjects.
Literacy K-12

Growing literacy is important for all our students.  Excellence in reading, writing, speaking, and best practices of communication in today's world is always a focus at The OMEGA Leadership Academy.  

Students obtain information on their level from books, blogs, interactive in-person lessons, online videos, research articles, podcasts, etc.  All students will learn how to properly communicate over vast multi-media platforms.



Science K-12

Applying science to our everyday world helps our students value science education in their own life.



Writing K-12

Writing is infused into all subject contents.

Daily writing assignments in each subject area will improve students overall writing abilities.



History/Social Studies K-12

Students will be fully engaged with the complete landscape and history of the cities, states, and nations they live and beyond.  This engagement goes far beyond name recognition but complete familiarity our different lands around the world as they study.  



Mathematics K-12

Number Properties and Operations



Data Analysis and Probability





Health and Physical Education K-12

Students will be expected to keep a journal of their self fitness goals.  Teachers are on hand as personal trainers to help students achieves these daily goals as young athletes.
Along with this, students will study the parts, the systems, and the whole body at large in a way to be most healthy.



We offer to all our students...


Revelation of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God Class


Leadership Class and
Life Class


Foreign Languages


Major and Minor Classes of students choice to work towards certification upon graduation


Computer Class


Music and Arts

More about The OMEGA Leadership Academy...

School Information:

School Name: The OMEGA Leadership Academy

Type of School: Private/Christian/Coeducational

School Provides Special Education: Yes

Low Grade/Youngest Accepted Student: Kindergarten/4 years and 9 months

High Grade/Oldest Age: Grade Twelve/Age 19

High School Diploma Offered: Yes

Leadership Certification Offered: Yes


What You Will Need:

-Complete and sign an enrollment form by legal parent or guardian and have it approved by Headmaster Thomas Fallon before your confirmed start date.

-Device with internet and a keyboard to type papers.

-School email (provided by school)

-Student and Parent download Edmodo App on device

-Zoom App

-Bible Hub App

-More to come as announced by teachers.  Teachers will make all needs available to families.



As a recognized private school by the California State Department of Education, our school’s curriculum follows the California State Standards and proudly works above grade level standards when applicable.  Student’s living in the Orange County, CA area will have the opportunity to attend The OMEGA Leadership Academy both in person and online on the school Edmodo App.  Those students who live outside of the area will have the opportunity to complete our curriculum all online through both the school Edmodo App and live scheduled classes VIA the Zoom App.  We are called to develop Kingdom minded leaders who will leave our Academy with certification in the accepted field of choice upon graduation.  Fundamentally as a Christian school, we are fully inline with the word of God, Jesus Christ’s teachings, and powerful knowledge through the Holy Spirit all to the glory of God.



-Revelation of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God

-Language Arts (English)



-History/Social Studies

-Physical Education (Students will be required to log 180 minutes or 3 hours of exercise each week.)




-Foreign Language



-Student’s Major (Student will be given their choice of any area to study as their major and will receive a leadership certificate in this area of study.)

-Student’s Minor (Student will be given their choice of any area to study as their minor and will receive a leadership certificate in this area of study.)


School Calendar and Schedule:

The OMEGA Leadership Academy operates on a 175 school day calendar a year.  The school year begins the day after Labor Day and closes approximately the second week of June with make up days into the end of June.  School days are typically every week day between 9am-4pm Pacific Time with hours varying in different time zones.  Students may request school days off for holidays or personal days but must make up days to complete the total of 175 days.  Live class times will be pre-scheduled with your teacher VIA Zoom App.  Most live instructional classes last one (1) hour.  Students will long their attendance on our online platform.

We also offer supplemental tutoring all year long.  Tutoring times are made by reservation.



We offer in person tutoring to any student living in Orange County, CA and online tutoring via ZOOM to all.  We offer tutoring in all subjects for students grades K-12.  Cost is $40 an hour per student.  Call 213.932.0543 to register and for special rates for multiple students. 



Scholarships are available for students that qualify.  If interested, inquire about an application to our registration office.

For more information, contact our office at 213.932.0543.






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